Surf Till 100 – Saturday, February 29
Champions Building the Champion Within – presentation with Felipe Pomar and Jeff Hakman.
Seating is limited. Buy tickets online, call (760) 721-6876 10-4 daily to pay with a credit card, or come in to the museum.

Felipe Pomar, Tom Woods and Jeff Hakman are founders of Surf Till 100 and the Masters of the Basics Program. “Champions, still surfing big waves after 70 plus years old, we are dedicated to developing the champion that lives within all of us.”
By teaching you how to successfully master many of the basics of a healthy lifestyle: diet, exercise, emotional resilience, relationships, involvement in a supportive community. We are sharing our hard-earned secrets to develop the heart and the mind of a champion within you.
To make life better for us all!

photo: Felipe Pomar by Larry Gehrke. Taken after his 76th birthday, January 2019!

To learn more about SURT TILL 100 go to: